Mysterious UFO
many earchers ufo want to detect a important fact. when ufo called as foreign creature property vehicle, or may be originally from kingdom ammy, appear one again possibility may be about ufo that is that thing comes indian and atlantis ancient. what do we know about incoming ancient indian aeroplane than ancient indians sources that include text writing incoming from by generations. without many prejudices can we say that majority this text valid and original see a large part bot to mention translated from language sanskrit long.
indians emperor ashoka establish a organization" nine mysterious mans" be indians famous scientists that is said mengkatalog various science sources kind. ashoka keep a secret they were all works because he felt that scientific invention newest that pillory from itself ancient indians source and exactly that be misused for cruel battle aim will which not desirable by ashoka self. " nine mysterious mans" write nine books mutual related between one another. book bertajuk" gravity secret secret" very identified among historian but is not assumed by them as something that related to earth gravity. he is assumed to still there, stored in a secret library at indians, tibetan, or everywhere (may be also reside in around america north).
only some years ago, people china meet several document fruits sanskrit at lhasa, tibetan with bring it to university chandrigargh to translated. dr. ruth reyna from that university explains that dukumen that contain instruction to make aeroplane outside sky! their maker manners, he said, anti-gravitasi and based on to one analog system that is" laghima" , one source of power is not known by modern man. follow hindu meditation expert, " laghima" this make that somebody has ability to flies.
dr. reyna explain that in this engine board is that is identified as" astras" , said used by ancient indians society to has brought one human group to planet other, as as described in document, which said aged aeon. that manuscript also said flatten secret" antima" (manners to be to disappear) and " gerima" (how to be as heavy as mount). in the begining indians scientists not so serious with manuscript pregnancy but then they menyedari manuscript the valuable truth when does country china will announce bahawa they will put certain part from manuscript data into their sky study program! this one of [the] kingdom first example to admits to make study about anti-gravitasi.
although manuscript flatten clearly about interplanetary exploration plan and exploration to month but is not explained to what all perjalananan that sky genuinely is done. although however one from indians famous epic that is ramayana, has one details story about one exploration to month by using vimana (or" astra" ). even epic ramayana narated with announcement details one battle above month with a aeroplane" asvin" (or atlantean). this a proof hits anti-gravitasi and spacecraft technology has been used by indians ancient society.
to genuinely realize technology, we must review to return to old world, to kingdom rama at indians north and pakistan formed in time around 15.000 year ago. during the period mentioned that appear sophisticated cities all a certain it regular systematically has begun from configuration lanscape until aqueduct. remember to how prophet story sulaiman winsome queen balqis? how does the palace form, so that described when we walk above that palace floor, impressing we walk above water level! may be this is there the hook. while in al-quran there be mentioned about prophet miracle sulaiman that can drive wind. this is may be related tight with technology that bloom in those days.
existence proof rama admit of found at pakistan desert north and indians west. rama estimated to coexist with nation at continent atlantis. seven exalted metropolis in kingdom rama famous by the name of" seven cities rishi" in hindu classic text. follow ancient indians text explanation, society at the time has engine flies that called as" vimanas! " epiks ancient indians explain a vimana as one aeroplane that has two dek and formed circle with dapatnya hole in part under aeroplane and tower in part on it. based on to explanation we may be mengaitkan with flying saucer alias ufo. vimana said has ability to fly with wind speed and take outside sound bermelodi. found at least 4 kinds for aeroplane vimana; a part formed plate and other formed long cylinder (cone formed spacecraft).
ancient indians society that produces ship self, write about manual aviation various kind vimanas, mostly the manuscript stills far-fetch scientists. while bgaian manuscript that found even translated to english. samara stage manager one scientific belleslettres related to sky trip success by using a vimana. found 230 poetries related to manner makes, trip as far as one thousand stones, landing bormally, anxiety, and aviation story between birds!
in the year 1875, a book have a title vaimanika literature is written by scientist nameds written by scientist bhara dewaji that use books longer as the source. that book is met in a temple at indians and in it included explanations related to manner drive vimana, steps rescuings, far aviation, and protection towards aeroplane from storm threat, lightning, and thunder. we that explain to how manner absorbs sun energy. vaimanika literature (or vymaanika-shaastra) has eight ranks with sketch picture that explain about three air-ship kinds, belong kinds that can flammable or crashed. he also explains about 31 certain part kinds for kenderaan this and 16 raw material as which the energy source can also absorb light and appropriate heating power to moves vimana.
this document translated to english and can be got with send mail to publisher vymaani dashaastra aeronotics to maharishi bharadwaaja. translated to english and redacted, printed and taked by en. g. r. josyer, mysore, indians, 1979. en. josyer a director for technics academy sanskrit international, located in mysore.
really not hesitation that vimana moved by energy source" anti-gravitasi" . vimana free base according to block, and said to can to beterbangan in the sky like a helicopter moden. bharadvajy refer that not less than 70 government sides and 10 person expert air aviations in concerned. this energy source now lost. vimana kept at a vimana griha, like penyangkut, and said kadangkala painted with of a kind yellowness white paint and kadangkala with of a kind ingredient merkuri. yellowness white paint appears suspicious looking like gaselin and may be vimana has energy source count that differ to belong activator engine and even nerve jet engine. in order to be known that side nazi also make nerve jet engine praktikal first for rocket v. 8 they. abettor hitler and nazi also said to intend with ancient indians and tibetan so that in the early year 30- denunciated bring one second expedition teams place every year, as effort to get strong proof and not impossible if said side nazi may be get their scientific pilot from two this ancient sources.
refer in dranaparva that be some of epiks mahabarata and ramayana, vimana described formed like a lengthwise form and has great speed likes strong wind, produced by ingredient merkuri. he moves to like a ufo, to on and downwards, rear and forwards such as those which desirable pilot. in one again indians source other that is samaranganasutradhara explain to how kenderaan this formed. in age known ingredient use merkuri upon which burn vimana, see description that explained by that book.
many russia scientists greatly amazed moment find note shaped pilot drives vehicle as described at bebeperapa cave wall at turkish and desert gobi. from carving and relief found on clay cut and glass is described to how a cosmical vehicle melaju. that interplanetary aeroplane is symbolized trilaterally in it found simbol merkuri. this is clear has showed that ancient indians ones can to send messenger with kendaraaan this and explore asia area, atlantis, to south america.
at mohenjodaro (pakistan) found manuscript that explain about battle ramayana that use all kind of weaponry and vehicle flies semcam that. conceive how laser technology, jet, and rocket in kingdom ramayana since jamn formerly and raze civilization in those days. let us correct reading stanzas that writed in book mahawira and bhawabhuti that come from century ke-8: " a air vehicle, pushpaka bring many people to capitals ayodhya. sky is filled various vehicle flies. dark like evening, but seen from their light yellowness. "
the unlucky vimana, like most scientific creation, used for battle. ones atlantis use kenderaan fly them, " vailixi" to assault countries other and dominate world. in their indians ancient text is known with nation aswins. although bothing;there is no note about aeroplane vailixi from nation atlantis self but their arrival is to indians passes air a lot of told. description vailixi formed long cylinder and besides can fly also can to move be water likes modern submarine. vehicles other, like vimana formed like plate and may be also can move be water. follow eklal kuehshana, author" the ultimate frontier" , in one article menulisnya in 1966, declare that vailixi earliest is made at atlantis that is approximately 20,000 year lampau and form most usually plate form with three engine spaces membawahnya. " " they use one device mekanikal anti-gravitasi by using machine power as big as 80,000 horse power"
in text mahabarata, one of [the] source that explain vimana, there that explain about great destruction that shows impression from battle: " . . . (that weapon be)s one tool that contain all energies exist in this world. one big smoke billow and bright bright light has liked glow from thousands of sun menghasilkannya. . . one lightning jet, one terrible death message porter, causes destruction entire breeds vrishni and andhaka. . their corpses on fire burnt so that unidentifiable certain. hair and their nail looses; broken without because, and birds swops to be white. . as free as several hours all ingredients eats to join in polluted. . to avoid self dairpada that fire, armies jumps down into river to clean their self and their device. . " from this explanation, impressing mahabrata is describing one battle conditon is using atom bomb!
now side west can to uncover some of gravity secret. . they have caned mencipta engine anti- gravity from field energy producer elektromagnetasi they have bamed as levitasi, but still bot to mention practised. . must we from south-east asia irresponsive not offish with this matter? aware. reference likes this bot merely one; weapon battle that amaze and vehicle flies to be description usually in indians epic books. found a epic that describe battle vimana-vailixi in! battle that described in action above describe correctly about one atomic explosion impression and radioactive impression to on citizen.
when is metropolis rishi at mohenjodaro (pakistan) found by archaeologies by the end of last century, they see sketches bergelimpangan at stroll, there that join hands, impressing they have been bumped into one disaster very dasyhat according to suddenly. in sketches found tall radioactive remainder, equal to that met at hiroshima and nagasaki. from ancient cities that are made from batu-bata and rock that change form, that is at indians, ireland, scotlandia, french, turkish and several other place, not explanation logik hit that change but atomic explosion consequence.
besides, at mohenjo-daro, a metropolis ancang in form grid, with channel system better than found at pakistan and indians, stroll it chockablock chip" black glasses" . chip then it known certain as clay that liquid heating consequence that exceed limit.
pasca sinking atlantis and destruction rama atomic weapon consequence, world to a moment return to stone age likes several thousands year previous. but so, apparently not all vimana and vailixi property rama and atlantis that. because created to functioned during aeon, majority still can be used, such as those which found in karyatulis" nine unknown men" , ashoka, and manuscript lhasa.
interesting found one history quotation that declare that during iskandar great assault indians more than two thousands last year, the troop has been assaulted with" shield that fly and shine" frightened ammy troop and the mounted troop. although however" flying saucer" that doesn't use just any atom bomb or weapon other to on army iskandar.
in that period also iskandar winsome crowded indians. author that declare that majority secret society has kept a part vimana and vailixi they are in secret caves at tibetan or other place at asia middle and desert lop nor at west china up to now known as centre a mysterious ufo big. may be at situ majority spacecraft is kept, at landing stage under soil that built by america side, english, and russia several decade ago. but appearance ufo at time now so often permanent menyisa many questions about their activity.
Description and Universe model
Vast general impression and the pride universe is got earth occupant with look at sky evening clear without moonlight. star sowing full appear sky likely untold jumlah-. structure and vast universe very difficult imagined human, and progres perception and human rationality about it need time for centuries.
Universe scenery description even also various. formerly nature se-mesta memodelkan as space measure far smaller than reality should. earth diameter size (12.500 km) new known in century ke- 3 (by eratosthenes), distance to month (384.400 km) century ke-16 (tycho brahe, 1588), distance to sun (around 150 million km) century ke-17 (cassini, 1672), star distance 61 cygni century ke-19, distance to century galaxy centre ke-20 (shapley, 1918), distance to galaksi-luar (1929), quasar and big bang (1965). this covering ground is still going on delivers generation.
Universe scenery description even also various. formerly nature se-mesta memodelkan as space measure far smaller than reality should. earth diameter size (12.500 km) new known in century ke- 3 (by eratosthenes), distance to month (384.400 km) century ke-16 (tycho brahe, 1588), distance to sun (around 150 million km) century ke-17 (cassini, 1672), star distance 61 cygni century ke-19, distance to century galaxy centre ke-20 (shapley, 1918), distance to galaksi-luar (1929), quasar and big bang (1965). this covering ground is still going on delivers generation.
proximate sky thing with earth month. month gravity style moves sea water ebb under the sun, uninterruptedly during bermiliar year. because orbit period and month rotation same, human under the sun not ever can see one of [the] technology unassisted month surface side to orbed month. another month side secret, new got with aviation luna 3 in the year 1959.
in the day time, sky scenery limit of blue sky and sun or too late month; at moment dawn and twilight, red sky at horizon east and west. sunlight interaction with earth sky describes coloured sky atmosphere.
sun self one between various star at galaxy. there star hotter than sun (sun surface temperature 5.800o k), like hot star (can achieve 50.000ok) that send out light more many lights ultraviolet--cahaya dangerous for life. there star cooler, more many memancar- red light and infra-red compared appear light many is used human.
human can achieve vast universe erudition limits, know allah creation never identified on earth like black hole, star netron, pulsar, star dies, star explosion nova or supernova, galaxy kernel explosion and as it. but, various phenomenon very terrible that is unlikely is juxtaposed with alive being susceptible towards damage. although such, there road for that want to try seriously to elaborate it.
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