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Quaoar, the newest planet . . . or is it?


When is a planet not a planet? That's what astronomers will be asking after yesterday's announcement of the biggest planetary body discovered in the solar system in more than 70 years.

Quaoar is a round world that orbits the sun every 288 years, at a distance greater than any of the nine planets. At 1250 kilometres wide, it is bigger than any of the asteroids. In fact, it's bigger than all the asteroids put together.

Quaoar (pronounced Kwah-o-ar) is just over half the size of the smallest planet of the solar system, Pluto, which already struggles to be classified as a planet because of its size. For that matter, it is just over a third the size of our moon. But, unlike a moon, it does not orbit a planet.

What is it? An "ice dwarf", apparently, and, according to its discoverers, Mike Brown and Chad Trujilo of the California Institute of Technology, Quaoar (and Pluto) should be referred to as "Kuiper-belt objects". The Kuiper belt is like a second asteroid belt, but while most asteroids orbit between Mars and Jupiter the Kuiper belt is at the icy fringes of the solar system, far beyond the eighth planet, Neptune.

"Quaoar definitely hurts the case for Pluto being a planet," said Professor Brown. "If Pluto were discovered today, no one would even consider calling it a planet because it's clearly a Kuiper-belt object."

Quaoar - named after the creation force of the Tongva Indian tribe, the original inhabitants of the Los Angeles area where the Caltech campus is located - was discovered in June, but it was not announced until yesterday. Its discoverers are still determining how quickly Quaoar spins, so they can work out the length of its "day". They are also trying to determine what precisely it is made of and even if it has a thin atmosphere.

Ross Taylor, of the Australian National University's geology department, said the Kuiper belt was the left-over remains of the massive cloud of gas that coalesced into the sun and planets billions of years ago.

He agreed that neither Pluto nor Quaoar should be known as planets, but instead as "ice-dwarfs". Both bodies, and even the innermost planet Mercury, were all smaller than one of Jupiter's moons and one of Saturn's. But such labels were a grey area, he said.

"It's arbitrary. You get into a real semantic sort of swamp. It's like trying to define life," he said.

But Professor Taylor said Quaoar was definitely not the mysterious "Planet X" for which astronomers have vainly searched the sky for decades. When Neptune was discovered in 1846, its orbit differed markedly from astronomers' calculations. It was assumed another planet was pulling it off course.

But when Pluto was discovered in 1930, it was too small to exert such a pull. The search continued.

Eventually, said Professor Taylor, scientists realised the discrepancy could be explained because they had wrongly calculated Neptune's mass.

He predicted many more Kuiper belt objects would be discovered because only a fraction of the sky had been searched. "I think it's probable that we'll pick some up to Pluto's size," he said.

Quaoar's finders, who are continuing their search for Kuiper-belt bodies, agree. "Right now, I'd say they get as big as Pluto," said Professor Brown.

None of them are likely to be labelled planets and even Pluto could lose that distinction. "I think the International Astronomical Union are trying to get their nerve up on this (Pluto)," said Professor Taylor.

Tips to Prevent Global Warming


1. Reduce your climate by 1˚C
Dimming down your heaters during the winter period by just 1˚C will save us from 225 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year cut your heating bills by 4%.

2. Change a lightbulb
If every home in the UK would switch one bulb to an energy-saving bulb we could shut down one entire power plant rightaway.

3. Stop leaving equipment on Stand By mode
Did you know that if you left your radio or TV on Stand By for a day, they'd still consume energy. Turn them completely off or even unplug them and you'll save 10% of your energy bill.

4. Say No to plastic bags
The 500 million to 1 trillion plastic bags being used every day end up in a landfill and will not degrade for couple of thousands of years. It's not a happy end. Get a reusable grocery tote bag instead.

5. Shop for local food
An average food item in your supermarket has travelled 1,000 miles to get to you. Buy local food to reduce energy wasted on food transportation.

6. Bike or walk, or go public
One bus can hold as much people as fifty cars. Trains even more. Every mile travelled on a public transport means less fuel consumption. Or if you can, take a walk or bike instead and save even more fossils that would pollute our atmosphere.

7. Plant a tree
Trees take in CO2 and pump out oxygen. One tree provides whole oxygen for two people's needs for their entire lifetime. And besides - trees are nice.

8. Sing in the rain
It will be raining more often. Better get used to it. In other words - it's time to be prepared.

Future Car Technology


Future car technology is now wide open. For instance, with peak oil looming and future shortages of fossil fuels imminent there has been much emphasis lately on cars that run on alternative fuels.

Right now many automakers are gearing up for offering vehicles that are able to run on ethanol or other biofuels (such as biodiesel), which is the path of least resistance for the near future.

But, what about longer term? In the longer term, future car technology will most likely involve cars that run on hydrogen, electricity, air, nitrogen or even nuclear power. Some may see the nuclear-powered car as the most far-fetched of all of the ideas, but this is a mistake.

In fact, in 1958 the first nuclear automobile was pioneered and called the Ford Nucleon. The Ford Nucleon was a concept vehicle that was supposed to be powered by a small nuclear reactor at the rear of the vehicle fueled by radioactive material. No working prototypes were ever built, however.

So, this is not the say that nuclear-powered cars will never be part of the future. Car technology will most likely advance to the state will this will one day be a likely fuel of choice.

But, what is here now? Hydrogen, electricity, air and nitrogen cars all have had working prototypes built. In fact, in regard to electric vehicles, production models have also been built. But, the range of electric cars and their recharging rate have always been their downfall.

So, this is where hydrogen cars step in. Hydrogen cars at this writing can run from either internal combustion engines or fuel cells. Some of the current models of hydrogen cars like the GM Sequel have a proven driving range of over 300 miles in real world conditions. The BMW Hydrogen 7 has rolled out as a lease vehicle and is a dual fuel vehicle that can run off either liquid hydrogen or gasoline.

The Honda FCX was the first hydrogen car to be offered as a lease in 2004 and now the second lessee, actress Q'orianka Kilcher who played Pocahontas in the movie "The New World".

Electric cars also offer an option in regard to future car technology if the aforementioned issues may be resolved. Companies like Tesla, Zap and Phoenix Motorcars are making headway in developing these vehicles for the marketplace.

And, then there is the MDI air cars which may be going over big in Europe and India once the compressed air infrastructure is in place. The MDI air cars also have an onboard compressor that plugs into any outlet so this will help with vehicle acceptance.

So, far their has only been one nitrogen car prototype of note and this is the CooLN2Car developed by the University of North Texas. The car has stalled in development, however, due to lack of research funds.

Two other parts of advanced car technology to note are the future flying cars that will be taking flight over the next two or three years and smart cars that will also be seeing the highways and byways sometime in the future as well.

Pencak Silat as an Instrument of Social Control in the Dutch East Indies


At the beginning of the colonial period, pencak silat continued to expand to all outlying areas of the archipelago, as a result of greater, large-scale mobility of the people. These migrations frequently involved an element of force, such as the exile of Kiai Maja a bodyguard to Prince Diponegoro from Java to Tondano, North Sulawesi, after the Dutch government put a stop to the bloody war in Central Java between 1825 and 1830. Kiai Maja and his followers lived in Tondano, until their deaths. Some of them married local women, giving rise to a particular ethnic group known as Jaton (Java Tondano). It is said that Kiai Maja left behind a specific brand of self-defence, which is today known as pencak silat Tondano. One school in Sulawesi still uses the name of its forebear: 'Perguruan Satria Kiai Maja'. Migration induced by war was however incidental during the first century of Dutch colonial rule, hence it did not have the greatest influence on the spread of pencak silat. Of far greater significance was the migration resulting from the construction of transportation infrastructures and related changes in the agrarian economy. In 1808, hundreds of thousands of farmers from the north coast of Java were forcibly mobilised to build a road from Anyer to Panarukan, the so-called Grote Postweg. In their spare time, coolies from different regions entertained themselves by practising and showing off their pencak silat skills. Their expertise in self-defence was also useful when facing conflict with other coolies or with their oppressors. Once again, a synergy of different pencak silat styles in this case different Javanese styles took place, producing new brands of pencak silat.

The opening of the Java highway enabled the rural population to move, leading to intermingling of rural populations of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. At the end of the 18th century, it was difficult to penetrate the hinterland of Java due to the dreadful conditions of the roads. Trade was mainly conducted by sea, all along the north coast or along the Solo River and the Brantas River. Thanks to the successful completion of the Grote Postweg which would be followed by the construction of the railroad network at the end of the 19th century not only did land trade intensify, but also farming communities moved to virgin lands (Lombard 1996(1):134-139). Because these migratory communities also brought with them their culture, including self-defence mastery, the diffusion of pencak silat on Java became irreversible. The Java highway also created a single economic zone between Pasundan (West Java) and the rest of Java and paved the way for the commercialisation of colonial products. These economic changes were also linked to the kultuurstelsel ('cultivation system', or in the language of the people 'forced cropping system') imposed by the colonial government to overcome the severe economic crisis in the 1830's. The system required farmers to plant certain types of crops intended for export, such as sugar cane, indigo, coffee, tea and pepper, on one-third of their land, or work on a government plantation 66 days out of the year (Koentjaraningrat 1994:67). This economic structure employed pencak silat as an instrument of social control to govern coolies and rural communities. In particular, the Dutch colonial government used pencak silat experts as 'opas' (from the old Dutch term 'oppasser', meaning guard) or 'kontroleur' (controller), to supervise the work of the coolies. These supervisors were selected from among those people who were already known and trusted by the colonisers.

Since the government plantations opened first in Tangerang and later expanded to Bogor, Sukabumi, Puncak and Bandung, experienced kontroleurs were selected from these locations and then transferred to areas where new plantations were being cleared. Most of them practised maempok, as at that time physical strength and martial arts skills were the main asset in supervising labourers. The supervisors frequently married local women and settled in the new plantation areas. Little by little they passed on their pencak silat skills derived particularly from the Cimande, Cikalong and Cikaret styles to the local population. After gaining a sufficient number of students, they started to teach maempok according to their cultural tradition, requiring jurus performances to be always accompanied by gendang (drum) pencak music played on two large drums (indung), two small ones (kulantir), one small gong and one trumpet. However, since West Javanese musical instruments were not always available in the new settlements, they had to be replaced with local ones. For example, in the plantations of East Java, the supervisors adopted musical instruments brought by migrants from Madura and Bawean (since they comprised the majority of settlers), consisting of six short drums, trumpets and brass instruments (jidur).22 In the former plantation area of the Besuki Residency,23 present day performances of West Javanese styles clearly show cultural Madurese elements assimilated from colonial times. Assimilation also occurred among martial arts of different countries. In many coastal towns in Java, such as Cirebon, Semarang and Surabaya, where there was a concentration of Chinese traders, kuntao and pencak silat influenced one another. The influence of kuntao was strongest in Batavia, because of its longstanding Chinese colony. Many Chinese who lived in Banten were brought to Batavia in 1619 to build the city in a marshland area. They worked as stonemasons, canal builders, gamblers, merchants, medicine traders and wayang orang performers. Amongst them there were kuntao experts who had lost their positions in China, as king's sentinels or as soldiers, when weapons were first discovered. These masters passed down their knowledge to family members as a legacy of their ancestors, to be kept hidden and used for self-defence only if absolutely necessary. In the beginning, the Chinese settlers lived in Chinese-style houses spread out throughout the city. But following the mass killings of 1740, the newly arrived Chinese were prohibited by the Dutch from living inside the city walls and were placed in new settlements named 'pecinan' (Chinese hamlets) such as Glodok and Kramat Bunder Senen. There, kuntao was practised in the many Chinese associations, and existing pencak silat styles eventually absorbed Chinese martial arts elements (de Vries 1989:61-64).

Going again back in time, if during the kultuurstensel period, the acculturation of pencak silat occurred primarily in Java, from 1870 onwards with the liberalisation of the economy and the expansion of private plantations it crossed over to other islands. New areas, including the eastern coast of Sumatra, were opened up to establish tobacco and palm oil plantations. There was great demand for coolies and plantation supervisors from Java and Madura to work on the private plantations in Sumatra. On these plantations, far from the hustle and bustle of the cities, with no entertainment, migrants from different ethnic groups and cultures exchanged self-defence techniques. Again, interaction also occurred with martial arts from other countries, as the Dutch colonialists brought coolies from China to expand exploitation of tin mines in Bangka, Singkep and Belitung (de Vries 1989:68-69). The mingling of Chinese migrants and indigenous people renewed the exchange between pencak silat and Chinese martial arts, especially kuntao. Furthermore, the expansion of private plantations allowed pencak silat styles to trespass the borders of the archipelago. By the end of the 19th century, pencak silat had already reached other countries then ruled by the colonial Dutch government. One such country where pencak silat took hold was Suriname. From 1890 to 1932, more than 30,000 Javanese were moved to Suriname, bringing along their own customs and culture. Even today, Javanese-Surinamese people study the art of kanuragan and pencak silat as a part of their humanistic education. (Parsudi Suparlan 1995:212-217). In general, it can be said that wherever Javanese worked, either contractually or forcibly, styles of pencak silat that exhibit specifically Javanese features can be found. The development of pencak silat is intrinsically related to the colonial system in many other ways, as the description of the 'jago' a pencak silat expert possessing magical power to boost his self-confidence in fighting in the next article will clearly illustrate

Secret Party Bee Honey (IN)


Sayap lebah Dengan mengkombinasikan pemodelan robotik dan memperhatikan rekaman video lebah yang terbang dalam gerakan lambat, para peneliti dapat menjelaskan rahasia kemampuan terbang lebah madu meskipun hewan ini memiliki sayap yang pendek. By combining the modeling robotik and consider the video recordings of bees flying in slow motion, the researchers can explain the secret of honey bees flying ability, although these animals have short wings.

Para insinyur penerbangan sebelumnya telah menghitung bahwa seharusnya lebah tidak mungkin dapat terbang dengan proporsi sayap yang terlalu kecil dibanding berat tubuhnya. The flight engineer had previously calculated that should not bee may fly with wings that proportion is too small compared to body weight. Oleh karena itu, Michael Dickinson, seorang ahli serangga dan koleganya dari Caltech di Pasadena , California, AS mencoba meneliti gaya yang bekerja saat lebah madu terbang. Therefore, Michael Dickinson, an insect expert and colleagues from Caltech in Pasadena, California, the U.S. tried to examine the work style of the honey bee flying.

Pada 1996, Charlie Ellington di Cambridge University , Inggris telah menunjukkan bagaimana pusaran udara di sekitar sayap serangga memainkan peranan penting untuk mengangkat badannya. In 1996, Charlie Ellington at Cambridge University, England have shown how the vortex in the air around the wings insects play an important role to lift the body. Pada umumnya serangga menggetarkan sayapnya kuat-kuat dengan sudut 145 hingga 165 derajat berkali-kali sesuai ukuran tubuhnya. In general, insect wings horrible tight angle with 145 to 165 degrees many times resize according to the body.

Tujuannya adalah menghasilkan gaya aerodinamik yang cukup untuk mengangkat tubuhnya. The goal is produce the style aerodinamik enough to lift the body. Namun, cara seperti ini tidak dapat menjelaskan mengapa serangga yang berat dengan sayap pendek, seperti lebah, dapat menghasilkan gaya angkat yang cukup. However, as this can not explain why the insects that wings heavy with short, such as bees, can generate enough lift style.

Saat Dickinson dan koleganya merekam lebah yang melayang dengan 6.000 frame per detik, mereka melihat pola unik kepakan sayapnya. While Dickinson and colleagues recorded the bees fly with 6,000 frames per second, they see a pattern unique kepakan wings. Saat mengangkat, sayapnya berputar 90 derajat dan kembali ke posisi awal saat ditarik. When lift, rotating wings 90 degrees and go back to the start position when withdrawn. Dalam sedetik, ia dapat melakukan sekitar 230 kali kepakan. In sedetik, he can do about 230 times kepakan.

Lalu tim peneliti membuat model robot untuk mengukur energi yang dihasilkan. Then the research team to create models of robots to measure the energy produced. Luar biasa, besarnya energi yang dihasilkan dengan cara mengubah posisi sayap itu memang cukup besar menghasilkan pusaran udara di sekitar sayapnya. Extraordinary, the amount of energy generated by changing the position of the wings is a large whirlpool generate air around the wings.

"Terlihat seperti propeler di mana siripnya juga berputar," kata Dickinson. "It appears as propeler where siripnya also rotates," said Dickinson. Selain itu, sayapnya disibakkan kembali ke pusaran udara yang dihasilkan kepakan sebelumnya sehingga menghasilkan energi dorong lebih besar daripada jika mengepak di udara bebas. In addition, the wings disibakkan return to the air vortex generated kepakan previous energy push so much greater than if the free flap in the air. Inilah tambahan energi lainnya yang membantu pengendalian percepatan saat satapnya berubah arah. This is the additional energy to help others who control the acceleration of the satapnya changed direction.

Hasil penelitian yang dimuat dalam Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences mungkin membantu para insinyur untuk mendesain propeler agar dapat berputar lebih stabil atau pesawat agar bermanuver dengan lebih baik. Results of research published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences may help engineers to design a propeler to be more stable or rotary aircraft to bermanuver better. "Tapi, yang paling penting kami telah mengetahui bahwa Tuhan memberikan yang terbaik bagi lebah-lebah itu," lanjut Dickinson. "But, the most important we have to know that God give the best for the bee-bee", he further Dickinson.

Mysterious UFO


many earchers ufo want to detect a important fact. when ufo called as foreign creature property vehicle, or may be originally from kingdom ammy, appear one again possibility may be about ufo that is that thing comes indian and atlantis ancient. what do we know about incoming ancient indian aeroplane than ancient indians sources that include text writing incoming from by generations. without many prejudices can we say that majority this text valid and original see a large part bot to mention translated from language sanskrit long.

indians emperor ashoka establish a organization" nine mysterious mans" be indians famous scientists that is said mengkatalog various science sources kind. ashoka keep a secret they were all works because he felt that scientific invention newest that pillory from itself ancient indians source and exactly that be misused for cruel battle aim will which not desirable by ashoka self. " nine mysterious mans" write nine books mutual related between one another. book bertajuk" gravity secret secret" very identified among historian but is not assumed by them as something that related to earth gravity. he is assumed to still there, stored in a secret library at indians, tibetan, or everywhere (may be also reside in around america north).

only some years ago, people china meet several document fruits sanskrit at lhasa, tibetan with bring it to university chandrigargh to translated. dr. ruth reyna from that university explains that dukumen that contain instruction to make aeroplane outside sky! their maker manners, he said, anti-gravitasi and based on to one analog system that is" laghima" , one source of power is not known by modern man. follow hindu meditation expert, " laghima" this make that somebody has ability to flies.

dr. reyna explain that in this engine board is that is identified as" astras" , said used by ancient indians society to has brought one human group to planet other, as as described in document, which said aged aeon. that manuscript also said flatten secret" antima" (manners to be to disappear) and " gerima" (how to be as heavy as mount). in the begining indians scientists not so serious with manuscript pregnancy but then they menyedari manuscript the valuable truth when does country china will announce bahawa they will put certain part from manuscript data into their sky study program! this one of [the] kingdom first example to admits to make study about anti-gravitasi.

although manuscript flatten clearly about interplanetary exploration plan and exploration to month but is not explained to what all perjalananan that sky genuinely is done. although however one from indians famous epic that is ramayana, has one details story about one exploration to month by using vimana (or" astra" ). even epic ramayana narated with announcement details one battle above month with a aeroplane" asvin" (or atlantean). this a proof hits anti-gravitasi and spacecraft technology has been used by indians ancient society.

to genuinely realize technology, we must review to return to old world, to kingdom rama at indians north and pakistan formed in time around 15.000 year ago. during the period mentioned that appear sophisticated cities all a certain it regular systematically has begun from configuration lanscape until aqueduct. remember to how prophet story sulaiman winsome queen balqis? how does the palace form, so that described when we walk above that palace floor, impressing we walk above water level! may be this is there the hook. while in al-quran there be mentioned about prophet miracle sulaiman that can drive wind. this is may be related tight with technology that bloom in those days.

existence proof rama admit of found at pakistan desert north and indians west. rama estimated to coexist with nation at continent atlantis. seven exalted metropolis in kingdom rama famous by the name of" seven cities rishi" in hindu classic text. follow ancient indians text explanation, society at the time has engine flies that called as" vimanas! " epiks ancient indians explain a vimana as one aeroplane that has two dek and formed circle with dapatnya hole in part under aeroplane and tower in part on it. based on to explanation we may be mengaitkan with flying saucer alias ufo. vimana said has ability to fly with wind speed and take outside sound bermelodi. found at least 4 kinds for aeroplane vimana; a part formed plate and other formed long cylinder (cone formed spacecraft).

ancient indians society that produces ship self, write about manual aviation various kind vimanas, mostly the manuscript stills far-fetch scientists. while bgaian manuscript that found even translated to english. samara stage manager one scientific belleslettres related to sky trip success by using a vimana. found 230 poetries related to manner makes, trip as far as one thousand stones, landing bormally, anxiety, and aviation story between birds!

in the year 1875, a book have a title vaimanika literature is written by scientist nameds written by scientist bhara dewaji that use books longer as the source. that book is met in a temple at indians and in it included explanations related to manner drive vimana, steps rescuings, far aviation, and protection towards aeroplane from storm threat, lightning, and thunder. we that explain to how manner absorbs sun energy. vaimanika literature (or vymaanika-shaastra) has eight ranks with sketch picture that explain about three air-ship kinds, belong kinds that can flammable or crashed. he also explains about 31 certain part kinds for kenderaan this and 16 raw material as which the energy source can also absorb light and appropriate heating power to moves vimana.

this document translated to english and can be got with send mail to publisher vymaani dashaastra aeronotics to maharishi bharadwaaja. translated to english and redacted, printed and taked by en. g. r. josyer, mysore, indians, 1979. en. josyer a director for technics academy sanskrit international, located in mysore.

really not hesitation that vimana moved by energy source" anti-gravitasi" . vimana free base according to block, and said to can to beterbangan in the sky like a helicopter moden. bharadvajy refer that not less than 70 government sides and 10 person expert air aviations in concerned. this energy source now lost. vimana kept at a vimana griha, like penyangkut, and said kadangkala painted with of a kind yellowness white paint and kadangkala with of a kind ingredient merkuri. yellowness white paint appears suspicious looking like gaselin and may be vimana has energy source count that differ to belong activator engine and even nerve jet engine. in order to be known that side nazi also make nerve jet engine praktikal first for rocket v. 8 they. abettor hitler and nazi also said to intend with ancient indians and tibetan so that in the early year 30- denunciated bring one second expedition teams place every year, as effort to get strong proof and not impossible if said side nazi may be get their scientific pilot from two this ancient sources.

refer in dranaparva that be some of epiks mahabarata and ramayana, vimana described formed like a lengthwise form and has great speed likes strong wind, produced by ingredient merkuri. he moves to like a ufo, to on and downwards, rear and forwards such as those which desirable pilot. in one again indians source other that is samaranganasutradhara explain to how kenderaan this formed. in age known ingredient use merkuri upon which burn vimana, see description that explained by that book.

many russia scientists greatly amazed moment find note shaped pilot drives vehicle as described at bebeperapa cave wall at turkish and desert gobi. from carving and relief found on clay cut and glass is described to how a cosmical vehicle melaju. that interplanetary aeroplane is symbolized trilaterally in it found simbol merkuri. this is clear has showed that ancient indians ones can to send messenger with kendaraaan this and explore asia area, atlantis, to south america.

at mohenjodaro (pakistan) found manuscript that explain about battle ramayana that use all kind of weaponry and vehicle flies semcam that. conceive how laser technology, jet, and rocket in kingdom ramayana since jamn formerly and raze civilization in those days. let us correct reading stanzas that writed in book mahawira and bhawabhuti that come from century ke-8: " a air vehicle, pushpaka bring many people to capitals ayodhya. sky is filled various vehicle flies. dark like evening, but seen from their light yellowness. "

the unlucky vimana, like most scientific creation, used for battle. ones atlantis use kenderaan fly them, " vailixi" to assault countries other and dominate world. in their indians ancient text is known with nation aswins. although bothing;there is no note about aeroplane vailixi from nation atlantis self but their arrival is to indians passes air a lot of told. description vailixi formed long cylinder and besides can fly also can to move be water likes modern submarine. vehicles other, like vimana formed like plate and may be also can move be water. follow eklal kuehshana, author" the ultimate frontier" , in one article menulisnya in 1966, declare that vailixi earliest is made at atlantis that is approximately 20,000 year lampau and form most usually plate form with three engine spaces membawahnya. " " they use one device mekanikal anti-gravitasi by using machine power as big as 80,000 horse power"

in text mahabarata, one of [the] source that explain vimana, there that explain about great destruction that shows impression from battle: " . . . (that weapon be)s one tool that contain all energies exist in this world. one big smoke billow and bright bright light has liked glow from thousands of sun menghasilkannya. . . one lightning jet, one terrible death message porter, causes destruction entire breeds vrishni and andhaka. . their corpses on fire burnt so that unidentifiable certain. hair and their nail looses; broken without because, and birds swops to be white. . as free as several hours all ingredients eats to join in polluted. . to avoid self dairpada that fire, armies jumps down into river to clean their self and their device. . " from this explanation, impressing mahabrata is describing one battle conditon is using atom bomb!

now side west can to uncover some of gravity secret. . they have caned mencipta engine anti- gravity from field energy producer elektromagnetasi they have bamed as levitasi, but still bot to mention practised. . must we from south-east asia irresponsive not offish with this matter? aware. reference likes this bot merely one; weapon battle that amaze and vehicle flies to be description usually in indians epic books. found a epic that describe battle vimana-vailixi in! battle that described in action above describe correctly about one atomic explosion impression and radioactive impression to on citizen.

when is metropolis rishi at mohenjodaro (pakistan) found by archaeologies by the end of last century, they see sketches bergelimpangan at stroll, there that join hands, impressing they have been bumped into one disaster very dasyhat according to suddenly. in sketches found tall radioactive remainder, equal to that met at hiroshima and nagasaki. from ancient cities that are made from batu-bata and rock that change form, that is at indians, ireland, scotlandia, french, turkish and several other place, not explanation logik hit that change but atomic explosion consequence.

besides, at mohenjo-daro, a metropolis ancang in form grid, with channel system better than found at pakistan and indians, stroll it chockablock chip" black glasses" . chip then it known certain as clay that liquid heating consequence that exceed limit.

pasca sinking atlantis and destruction rama atomic weapon consequence, world to a moment return to stone age likes several thousands year previous. but so, apparently not all vimana and vailixi property rama and atlantis that. because created to functioned during aeon, majority still can be used, such as those which found in karyatulis" nine unknown men" , ashoka, and manuscript lhasa.

interesting found one history quotation that declare that during iskandar great assault indians more than two thousands last year, the troop has been assaulted with" shield that fly and shine" frightened ammy troop and the mounted troop. although however" flying saucer" that doesn't use just any atom bomb or weapon other to on army iskandar.

in that period also iskandar winsome crowded indians. author that declare that majority secret society has kept a part vimana and vailixi they are in secret caves at tibetan or other place at asia middle and desert lop nor at west china up to now known as centre a mysterious ufo big. may be at situ majority spacecraft is kept, at landing stage under soil that built by america side, english, and russia several decade ago. but appearance ufo at time now so often permanent menyisa many questions about their activity.

Description and Universe model

Vast general impression and the pride universe is got earth occupant with look at sky evening clear without moonlight. star sowing full appear sky likely untold jumlah-. structure and vast universe very difficult imagined human, and progres perception and human rationality about it need time for centuries.

Universe scenery description even also various. formerly nature se-mesta memodelkan as space measure far smaller than reality should. earth diameter size (12.500 km) new known in century ke- 3 (by eratosthenes), distance to month (384.400 km) century ke-16 (tycho brahe, 1588), distance to sun (around 150 million km) century ke-17 (cassini, 1672), star distance 61 cygni century ke-19, distance to century galaxy centre ke-20 (shapley, 1918), distance to galaksi-luar (1929), quasar and big bang (1965). this covering ground is still going on delivers generation.

proximate sky thing with earth month. month gravity style moves sea water ebb under the sun, uninterruptedly during bermiliar year. because orbit period and month rotation same, human under the sun not ever can see one of [the] technology unassisted month surface side to orbed month. another month side secret, new got with aviation luna 3 in the year 1959.

in the day time, sky scenery limit of blue sky and sun or too late month; at moment dawn and twilight, red sky at horizon east and west. sunlight interaction with earth sky describes coloured sky atmosphere.

sun self one between various star at galaxy. there star hotter than sun (sun surface temperature 5.800o k), like hot star (can achieve 50.000ok) that send out light more many lights ultraviolet--cahaya dangerous for life. there star cooler, more many memancar- red light and infra-red compared appear light many is used human.

human can achieve vast universe erudition limits, know allah creation never identified on earth like black hole, star netron, pulsar, star dies, star explosion nova or supernova, galaxy kernel explosion and as it. but, various phenomenon very terrible that is unlikely is juxtaposed with alive being susceptible towards damage. although such, there road for that want to try seriously to elaborate it.

Tips Write Scientific Work

composed strategy before write

think twice before writing, word ken golstein author from columbia school of journalism. before begin to write popular scientific, and before you enter to dramaturgi, systematic article, detail, at least you must think strategy next:
to whom you present your article?

what media do you choose (internet, television, newspaper, magazine, radio, etc)

what correctest?

approximately how long reader vacates time to read your article?
four point on actually technique base article kind whatevers. for popular scientific, that technique is more urgent again. remember, write popular scientific equal to translates science ngejelimet to memengerti in general. not everybody realize your sciences, even less with science branch quantity. this specialization causess expert understands at the area but caw mudeng with area other.

to whom you present article? how in information that you present to depending to who the reader. popular scientific work at general newspaper, of course more barrower its contents than at magazine scientific for example. article character for general reader, more put forward element entertainment, compared article for specific communities (computer special magazine for example). apart from contents aspect, popular scientific work for specific communities more many uses technical jargon. may, because here specific term will not foreign again for the reader.

what media do you choose?
information to at internet, television, newspaper or magazine differ the writing manner. has surplus can display picture. so that far text use. but this media weakness, time available far than media prints. cotoh other, difference between media prints and online. online media with revolutionary character hyperlinks- can change channel read. this link character surplus, you can aim reader to focus whom you go to. differ from media prints book for example, characteristics reads in character linear. you aim reader passes table of contents.

style penuturan what correctest? conscript your imagination. approximately how will you submit information correctest. what with way of reporting style, display figure that tell, or tutorial in character.

approximately how long time available for reader?
newspaper reader bisayan slimmer vacate time read it than magazine reader. isn't it true that newspaper that one week declared not recent again? usually reader not mengorek-ngorek again newspaper that bertumpuk a yearlong the long. more a little time available, information whom you present more shorter and must fast aim target.

take aim reader: choose topic interestings

your popular scientific article is dedication for common reader. not expert really splash at the area. position your self in reader. think, why do you necessary divide your science? what can make reader can interested with your article? some ways tickle reader motivations

more complete click here

What is Scientific work?

Scientific work divided on scientific article and memoir. scientific article one of [the] containing essay kind series thinking result that got as according to character keilmuan. a essay from watchfulness result, observation, and or overview is said scientific if up to standard as follows:
1. the writing based on watchfulness result
2. objective the problem discussion as according to fact
3. that essay is containing problem that being looked for the solution
4. good in also in trouble-shooting is used certain method
5. the language must complete, details, regular, and accurate
6. language that used to want true, clear, briefly, and correct so that possibility unopen for reader for misinterpret.
report a message delivery vehicle, information, erudition, or brainchild from somebody to another person. this report can formed tongue and can formed article. report that submitted in writing be a essay. if this report is full series thinking result that got from watchfulness result, observation and or overview, so this report belongs scientific article kind. equally, memoir of a kind scientific article that peel science problem and technology expressly composed to submitted to certain ones and in chance certain.

Write Scientific Work

a scientific work (scientific paper) report is written and mempublikasi. . . scientific work is made reference (reference) for scientist other in. .

By : Herry Firman

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Scientific Work Maker Instruction

student university doesn't know this scientific work writing style. usually i. . . this article is memfokuskan to scientific work writing troubleshoot.

By : Budi Raharjo

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